A Jewish Vegetarian Homeschool

More Accurately: A Jewish Mostly-Vegetarian Former-Homeschool

Last updated 11:30 p.m. MT on 25 October 2009.

Welcome to Beit HaChatulim, which is indeed full of chatulim (cats) and almost everything else. We are in the process of moving this entire site from its previous (free) home at Geocities. And in the process, we are having to learn how HTML has changed over the last 10 or 15 years, as well as how to write CSS style sheets.

We have updated and moved quite a few pages so far. I have chosen to concentrate on the pages that seem to get the most use over time -- for example, the Passover recipes and the FAQ for the Chevra Jewish homeschooling email list. For the time being, a single style sheet is in use for all pages. As I have time, more diversity will show up.

Additionally, I have removed almost all of the external links that used to be on this web site. As I move through the web site, updating pages and styles, current links will be added where appropriate. In the meantime, all internal links that you can actually click on work and you can move around this web site and see what is here as well some of what I'm still working on.

There is also a first stab at a site map in place. Take it for a spin!